
Mainland welcomes more Taiwan young people to visit

Font size+Author:International Ink news portalSource:entertainment2024-06-02 16:11:38I want to comment(0)

A Chinese mainland spokesperson Wednesday said the mainland welcomes more young people from Taiwan t

A Chinese mainland spokesperson Wednesday said the mainland welcomes more young people from Taiwan to visit.

"We sincerely invite young people from Taiwan, especially those who have never been to the mainland, to visit and feel the development on the mainland and Chinese culture, and to promote mutual understanding between youths across the Taiwan Strait," said Zhu Fenglian, a spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office.

The Democratic Progressive Party's control and restriction pose the biggest barrier to the exchanges of teachers and students across the Strait, she added.

The mainland will continue to create more opportunities and provide more support for young people's development and success on both sides of the Strait and encourage them to strengthen exchanges, Zhu added. 

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